About Amberflo

What is Amberflo?


Enable Cloud Businesses to Charge, Track, and Bill Usage with Real-Time Metered Invoicing

Implementing accurate Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) with on-demand, metered invoicing can be challenging. Until now, modern cloud businesses have faced a difficult choice: relying on traditional billing solutions not built for UBP or dedicating valuable engineering resources to developing in-house solutions.

Amberflo offers a robust alternative.

Amberflo Cloud Metering and Usage-Based Billing Platform

Amberflo is a cloud-native platform purpose-built to enable modern Usage-Based Pricing and Billing. It seamlessly handles real-time meter event ingestion and aggregation to ensure accurate usage tracking and invoicing.

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How Amberflo Works

Amberflo serves as the metering and usage backbone of your technology stack. Simply send us the meter events, and we handle the rest: from usage instrumentation to enabling dynamic, flexible usage-based pricing.

📘 Cloud Metering Platform

Meters are the foundation of accurate usage-based billing. They represent facts: usage data that must not be dropped, lost, or miscalculated. Amberflo's metering platform ensures absolute reliability and acts as the single source of truth for usage and consumption.

Amberflo Metering Cloud is a platform service designed from the ground up to be just that. The core design principles of a metering service are idempotency, and data deduplication, which result in guaranteed accuracy.

📘 Usage-Based Pricing and Billing

With Amberflo, businesses can build, manage, and operationalize flexible usage-based billing models in real time. Whether your pricing model is single-dimensional, multi-dimensional, or hybrid, Amberflo enables:

  • Accurate and flexible usage-based billing workflows
  • Real-time metered invoicing
  • Scalable support for complex pricing strategies

📘 Getting Started

Getting started is fast and straightforward. Simply:

  1. Sign up for an Amberflo account via self-service.
  2. Access the Amberflo Console, where you'll find your API Access Keys.
  3. Begin using our APIs and SDKs to integrate Amberflo into your stack.

📘 API Reference

Amberflo is built with an API-first approach, giving you full control and flexibility. Every feature and service offered can be seamlessly accessed through our APIs and SDKs.

For detailed API documentation and technical guidance, visit our API Reference.

Need Help?

If you have questions or would like assistance setting up Amberflo, reach out to our team at [email protected].

Updated 17 Dec 2024
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