

Quick Start

go get[email protected]

Ingesting meters

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	//Optional ingest options
	//Frequency at which queued data will be sent to API. Default is 1 second.
	intervalSeconds := 30 * time.Second
	//Number of messages posted to the API. Default is 100.
	batchSize := 5
	//Debug mode logging. Default is false.
	debug := true

	//Instantiate a new metering client
	meteringClient := metering.NewMeteringClient(

	customerId := "dell-10"

	//Define dimesions for your meters. Dimensions can be used as filters.
	dimensions := make(map[string]string)
	dimensions["region"] = "Midwest"
	dimensions["customerType"] = "Tech"

	for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
		utcMillis := time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
		//Queue meter messages for ingestion.
		//Queue will be flushed asyncrhonously when Metering.BatchSize is exceeded
		//or periodically at Metering.IntervalSeconds

		//unique ID is optional, but setting it
		//helps with de-dupe and revoking an ingested meter
		uniqueId := uuid.NewRandom().String()
		meteringError := meteringClient.Meter(&metering.MeterMessage{
			UniqueId:          uniqueId,
			MeterApiName:      "ApiCalls-From-Go",
			CustomerId:        customerId,
			MeterValue:        float64(i) + 234.0,
			MeterTimeInMillis: utcMillis,
			Dimensions:        dimensions,
		if meteringError != nil {
			fmt.Println("Metering error: ", meteringError)
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

	//Perform graceful shutdown
	//Flush all messages in the queue, stop the timer,
	//close all channels, and shutdown the client


Cancel an ingested meter

A meter can be cancelled by resending the same ingestion event and setting metering.CancelMeter dimension to "true". See code below.

dimensions[metering.CancelMeter] = "true"	

//cancel an ingested meter
meteringError := Metering.Meter(&metering.MeterMessage{
  UniqueId:          uniqueId,
  MeterApiName:      "ApiCalls-From-Go",
  CustomerId:        customerId,
  MeterValue:        meterValue,
  MeterTimeInMillis: utcMillis,
  Dimensions:        dimensions,

Query usage

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	customerId := "dell-8"

	//initialize the usage client
	usageClient := metering.NewUsageClient(
		// metering.WithCustomLogger(customerLogger),

	//set the start time of the time range in Epoch seconds
	startTimeInSeconds := (time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Second)) - (24 * 60 * 60)
	timeRange := &metering.TimeRange{
		StartTimeInSeconds: startTimeInSeconds,

	//specify the limit and sort order
	take := &metering.Take{
		Limit:       10,
		IsAscending: true,

	// Example 1: group by customers for a specific meter and all customers
	// setup usage query params
	// visit following link for description of payload:
	usageResult, err := usageClient.GetUsage(&metering.UsagePayload{
		MeterApiName:         "ApiCalls-From-Go",
		Aggregation:          metering.Sum,
		TimeGroupingInterval: metering.Day,
		GroupBy:              []string{"customerId"},
		TimeRange:            timeRange,
	fmt.Println("Usage by meterApiName in json format")
	printUsageData(*usageResult, err)

	//Example 2: filter for a meter for specific customer
	//setup usage query params
	filter := make(map[string][]string)
	filter["customerId"] = []string{customerId}

	usageResult, err = usageClient.GetUsage(&metering.UsagePayload{
		MeterApiName:         "ApiCalls-From-Go",
		Aggregation:          metering.Sum,
		TimeGroupingInterval: metering.Day,
		GroupBy:              []string{"customerId"},
		TimeRange:            timeRange,
		Filter:               filter,
	fmt.Println("Usage for meter for specific customer in json format")
	printUsageData(*usageResult, err)

func printUsageData(usageResult metering.DetailedMeterAggregation, err error) {
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Usage error: ", err)

	jsonString, err := json.MarshalIndent(usageResult, "", "  ")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Usage error: ", err)


Manage customers

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	customerId := "dell-8"
	//Automatically create customer in Stripe
  	//and add stripeId to traits
	createCustomerInStripe := true

	//initialize the customer client
	customerClient := metering.NewCustomerClient(

	//check if customer exists
	customer, err := customerClient.GetCustomer(customerId)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error getting customer details: ", err)

	//setup customer
	if customer != nil {
		//customer exists
		//update properties
		customer.CustomerName = "Dell 2"
	} else {
		//setup new customer
		//Traits are optional. Traits can be used as filters or aggregation buckets.
		traits := make(map[string]string)
		traits["region"] = "us-west"
		traits["customerType"] = "Tech"

		//In case createCustomerInStripe is false, set the trait for stripeId
		//traits[metering.StripeTraitKey] = "cus_LVxxpBQvyN3V49"

		//Set the AWS marketplace ID trait
		//traits[metering.AwsMarketPlaceTraitKey] = "aws_marketplace_id"

		customer = &metering.Customer{
			CustomerId:    customerId,
			CustomerName:  "Dell",
			CustomerEmail: "[email protected]",
			Traits:        traits,
			Enabled:       true,

	customer, err = customerClient.AddorUpdateCustomer(customer, createCustomerInStripe)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error creating customer details: ", err)

	customerStatus := fmt.Sprintf("Stripe id for customer: %s", customer.Traits[metering.StripeTraitKey])

Custom logger

By default, metering-go uses the default GO logger. You can inject your own logger by implementing the following interface Logger:

type Logger interface {
	Log(v ...interface{})
	Logf(format string, v ...interface{})

Define the custom logger:

package main

import (


type CustomLogger struct {
	logger *zerolog.Logger

func NewCustomLogger() *CustomLogger {
	logLevel := zerolog.DebugLevel
	logger := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().Timestamp().Logger()
	return &CustomLogger{logger: &logger}

func (l *CustomLogger) Log(args ...interface{}) {
	msg := fmt.Sprintln(args...)

func (l *CustomLogger) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
	l.logger.Debug().Msgf(format, args...)

Instantiate metering client with custom logger:

package main

import (

//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	customerLogger := NewCustomLogger()

	//Instantiate a new metering client with custom logger
	meteringClient := metering.NewMeteringClient(

	//initialize the usage client with custom logger
	usageClient := metering.NewUsageClient(

	//initialize the usage cost client with custom logger
	usageCostClient := metering.NewUsageCostClient(

Query usage cost with paging

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	customerId := "dell-8"

	//initialize the usage cost client
	usageCostClient := metering.NewUsageCostClient(
		// metering.WithCustomLogger(customerLogger),

	//set the start time of the time range in Epoch seconds
	startTimeInSeconds := (time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Second)) - (24 * 60 * 60)
	timeRange := &metering.TimeRange{
		StartTimeInSeconds: startTimeInSeconds,

	// paging
	pageIndex := int64(1)
	page := &metering.Page{
		Number: pageIndex,
		Size:   2,

	// Example 1: group by product plan
	// setup usage cost query params
	// visit following link for description of payload:
	for pageIndex < 5 {
		usageCostResultForPage, err := usageCostClient.GetUsageCost(&metering.UsageCostsKey{
			TimeGroupingInterval: metering.Day,
			GroupBy:              []string{"product_plan_id"},
			TimeRange:            timeRange,
			Page:                 page,

		fmt.Println("Usage Cost Result for page: ", pageIndex)
		printUsageCostData(*usageCostResultForPage, err)

		//increment the page number
		pageIndex = pageIndex + 1
		//obtain total pages from result and stop if limit reached
		if usageCostResultForPage.PageInfo.TotalPages < pageIndex {

		page.Number = pageIndex
		//a token from a previous query page result to track pages and improve performance
		pageToken := usageCostResultForPage.PageInfo.PageToken
		page.Token = pageToken

func printUsageCostData(usageCostResult metering.UsageCosts, err error) {
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Usage cost error: ", err)

	jsonString, err := json.MarshalIndent(usageCostResult, "", "  ")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Usage cost error: ", err)


Pricing plans

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {	
	customerId := "dell-8"

	//Assign pricing plan to customer
	productPlanId := "8e880691-1ae8-493b-b0a7-12a71e5dfcca"
	customerPricingClient := metering.NewCustomerPricingPlanClient(apiKey)
	customerPricingPlan, err := customerPricingClient.AddOrUpdate(&metering.CustomerProductPlan{
		ProductPlanId:      productPlanId,
		CustomerId:         customerId,
		StartTimeInSeconds: (time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Second)),

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error assigning customer plan: ", err)
	pricingStatus := fmt.Sprintf("Customer pricing plan %s assigned to customer %s", customerPricingPlan.ProductPlanId, customerId)

Prepaid Client

See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	customerId := "dell-1800"

	startTimeInSeconds := (time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Second)) - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60)

	//Prepaid SDK
	//initialize the prepaidClient 
	prepaidClient := metering.NewPrepaidClient(
		//use a custom logger
		//metering.WithCustomLogger(customerLogger), for custom logger

	recurrenceFrequency := &metering.BillingPeriod{
		Interval:       metering.DAY,
		IntervalsCount: 1,

	prepaidOrder := &metering.CustomerPrepaid{
		Id:                  uuid.NewRandom().String(),
		CustomerId:          customerId,
		ExternalPayment:     true,
		StartTimeInSeconds:  startTimeInSeconds,
		PrepaidPrice:        123,
		PrepaidOfferVersion: -1,
		RecurrenceFrequency: recurrenceFrequency,

	// Create a prepaid order
	prepaidOrder, err := prepaidClient.CreatePrepaidOrder(prepaidOrder)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Prepaid API error: ", err)

	// Get a list of all active prepaid orders
	prepaidOrders, err := prepaidClient.GetActivePrepaidOrders(customerId)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Prepaid API error: ", err)

	// Update the external payment status of a prepaid order
	externalPrepaidPaymentStatus := &metering.ExternalPrepaidPaymentStatus{
		PaymentStatus:        metering.SETTLED,
		SystemName:           "Stripe",
		PaymentId:            "payment-id-1",
		PaymentTimeInSeconds: (time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Second)),
		PrepaidUri:           prepaidOrder.FirstInvoiceUri,
	externalPrepaidPaymentStatus, err = prepaidClient.UpdateExternalPrepaidStatus(externalPrepaidPaymentStatus)

	// Delete a prepaid order
	err = prepaidClient.DeletePrepaidOrder(prepaidOrder.Id, customerId)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Prepaid API error: ", err)



See API Reference

package main

import (


//obtain your Amberflo API Key
var apiKey = "my-api-key"

func main() {
	signalsClient := metering.NewSignalsClient(
		//use a custom logger

	invoiceAlert := &metering.Notification{
		Name:               "invoice-tracker-alert",
		NotificationType:   metering.Invoice,
		Email:              []string{"[email protected]"},
		ThresholdValue:     "200",
		CustomerFilterMode: metering.PerCustomer,
		Enabled:            true,

	//Create a new signal
	invoiceAlert, err := signalsClient.CreateSignal(invoiceAlert)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("API error: ", err)

	//update an existing signal
	invoiceAlert.ThresholdValue = "150"
	invoiceAlert.Enabled = false //disable a signal without deleting
	invoiceAlert, err = signalsClient.UpdateSignal(invoiceAlert)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("API error: ", err)

	//get an existing signal
	invoiceAlert, err = signalsClient.GetSignal(invoiceAlert.Id)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("API error: ", err)

	//delete a signal
	invoiceAlert, err = signalsClient.DeleteSignal(invoiceAlert.Id)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("API error: ", err)
	fmt.Println("signal with following id deleted: ", invoiceAlert.Id)

Batching Records libraries are built to support high throughput environments. That means you can safely send hundreds of meter records per second. For example, you can chose to deploy it on a web server that is serving hundreds of requests per second.

However, every call does not result in a HTTP request, but is queued in memory instead. Messages are batched and flushed in the background, allowing for much faster operation. The size of batch and rate of flush can be customized.

Defaults: The library will flush every 100 messages (configuration parameter: BatchSize ) or
if 1 second has passed since the last flush (configuration parameter: IntervalSeconds)
There is a maximum of 500KB per batch request and 32KB per call.

Flush on demand (Blocking call)

You can flush on demand. For example, at the end of your program, youโ€™ll want to flush to make sure thereโ€™s nothing left in the queue. Just call the flush method:


Please note: Calling this method will block the calling thread until there are no messages left in the queue. So, youโ€™ll want to use it as part of your cleanup scripts and avoid using it as part of the request lifecycle.