Pricing Plans
Pricing Plans are collections of various rate templates. Pricing Plans and the roll-up of items comprising the pricing plan are what is used to calculate a customer's invoice.
Amberflo offers out-of-the-box templates for the following models:
- Usage-based - customer pays for what was used during the billing period
- Seat-based - customer pays for the number of active objects (files, users, etc.) at the end of the billing period
- Flat Rate - customer pays a flat rate for the billing period (can also support an overage model)
- Subscriptions - customer subscribes to a number of instances (like the AWS reserved instances model, which can support overages)
- Service Fees - percentage of the total invoice amount is charged as, for example, a support fee

Default Pricing Plan There is always a default pricing plan. If there is only one pricing plan, that becomes the default. If there are more than one, you can configure which plan is the default. A customer will be automatically assigned the default pricing plan if a pricing plan is not already assigned to them and the first usage event is ingested.
Assigning Pricing Plans Customers' pricing plan assignments can be managed via API or directly from the Amberflo console. When a customer gets assigned to a pricing plan, the rates defined in the plan are applied to the customer's usage to generate an invoice at the chosen billing period frequency.