Usage metering

Usage reporting


Real-time Dashboard of Aggregated Usage

The Usage Analytics tool gives you an out-of-the-box interactive view of usage segmented by customer, metered product features, or any custom dimension that has been defined.

It delivers to your finger-tips, real-time, actionable insights on -

  • who is using what resources
  • how much of each resource is being used
  • when are they being used
  • what is the usage/consumption pattern

With the Usage Analytics you can visualize usage over any time interval, with meter totals and percent change shown out-of-the-box to provide the most comprehensive usage profile available.

Understand how your customers are using your product (feature adoption), which areas are trending up or down, and is overall usage increasing or decreasing (at feature and/or customer level) so you can take proactive actions and inform product development.

Usage by Meter (product feature or custom event)

Select any meter or view your meter library in whole. You can choose any custom date range and interval with the selector on the top right corner of the view.

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If you click on a specific meter from the list, the top five customers with the greatest usage for that meter will be shown.

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Usage by Customer

The Customer view allows you to select individual customers and easily see their usage profile across all meters. To view a specific meter in the graph view, select it from the table of meters.

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Usage by Event

The Event view allows you to see each meter ingested chronologically, providing a full audit trail for each event from the moment of ingestion. This view helps you to resolve any questions or billing disputes that may arise from a customer questioning their usage.

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Drilling down into a meter event from the list allows you to see the aggregation rule applied to the meter, which customer is associated with, and whether it is associated with a pricing plan and invoice (with a link to that invoice if so).

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