What is Amberflo?
We enable cloud businesses to charge and track on Usage and bill using on-demand, real-time Metered Invoicing.
Implementing accurate Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) with on-demand metered invoicing is difficult. Until now, modern cloud companies have been forced to choose between existing billing solutions that are complex and not designed for UBP or dedicating core engineering resources to building an in-house solution.
Amberflo Cloud Metering and Usage-Based Billing Platform
Amberflo is a cloud-native platform built from the ground up to enable modern Usage-Based Pricing and Billing with real-time meter events ingestion and aggregation.
Getting to Know Amberflo
Amberflo acts as the metering and usage service in your technology stack. Simply put - you send us the meter events, and we take care of the rest to enable usage instrumentation and usage-based pricing.
Cloud Metering Platform
Meters are (matters of) fact! They represent usage and cannot be dropped, lost, or miscalculated. You must be able to rely on your metering service to be accurate and operate as the single source of truth for usage and consumption.
Amberflo Metering Cloud is a platform service designed from the ground up to be just that. The core design principles of a metering service are idempotency, and data deduplication, which result in guaranteed accuracy.
Metering Platform Design Principles
Meter Ingestion Options
Durability and Scalability
Usage-Based Pricing and Billing
Build and operationalize modern, flexible, hybrid or multi-dimensional usage based billing models with real-time metered invoices.
Getting Started
It's easy to get started with Amberflo.
You simply need to create an Amberflo Account via self sign up, which leads to the console. The console lists your API Access Keys to start using APIs and SDKs.
API Reference
We are an API-first, Platform company. All features and artifacts can be interacted with using our APIs and SDKs.
If you have any further questions or would like to get started with an account, contact us at [email protected].
Updated 9 months ago