FAQs and How-tos

Invoice Calculation Times


Standard Meter Invoices

Approximate (Real-time) Real-time invoices are calculated based on “live” usage that has been received from the system but has not been processed through the ingestion pipeline to the hourly aggregation yet. This is an approximation because the calculation does not account for any post-ingestion processing.

Post-ingestion processing can include any of the following:

  • Deduplication
  • Back-filled events
  • Event cancellations

Real-time takes fresh data for the last 7 hrs + 24 hrs (if 7 hours before current time is yesterday). The cached invoice is taken for any data before this window. For the fresh window, the real-time invoice will discard cached data for the window and use fresh data.

3hr Delayed (Cached) This invoice is calculated from the regularly scheduled aggregation data that is processed from meter events. The hourly aggregation data includes any post ingestion processing that needs to happen for the final usage to be correct. The cached invoice is calculated on the billing cloud and is used for credit drawdowns and final invoices at the end of a billing period.

*Both of these invoices are subject to timing delays of non-standard meters.